Monday, March 26, 2007

Learning is Fun

I have been working on CS cases/scenarios all day. One of those cases was on domestic abuse, and I learned that as a physician I should never tell an abuse victim to leave her husband/lover. I would have failed that one because that’s exactly what I thought of doing! I should only offer support, let her know domestic abuse is illegal, and let her make her own decisions. Well, this is why I’m practicing with these cases so that next Monday I’ll know little details like that.

I have also been reviewing and learning a slew of medical mnemonics today.

To assess domestic abuse: SAFE

S = Safety. Do you feel safe at home or in your relationship?
A = Abused or Afraid. Are you being abused or are you afraid?
F = Family and Friends. Do your family and friends know your relationship problems?
E = Emergency plan. Do you have an emergency escape plan if needed?

To assess a drinking problem: CAGE

C = Have you tried to Cut down on your drinking?
A = Have you been Annoyed by people who criticize your drinking?
G = Do you fedl Guilty about your drinking?
E = Do you need an Eye-opener in the mornings to cure a hangover or steady your nerves?

To assess geriatric ADLS (activities of daily living): DEATH, an unfortunate acronym

D = Dressing. Can you dress yourself?
E = Eating. Can you eat by yourself?
A = Ambulating. Do you have trouble walking?
T = Toileting. Can you go and use the bathroom by yourself?
H = Hygiene. Can you take a shower or bath by yourself?

To assess geriatric IADLS (instrumental activities of daily living): SHAFT

S = Shopping. Can you go shopping by your self? get the idea
H = Housekeeping
A = Accounting
F = Food preparation
T = Transportation

And finally, my least favorite one.

To assess depression: SIG E CAPS

S = Sleep. Do you have trouble with your sleep?
I = Interest. Have you lost your interests in life?
G = Guilt. Do you feel guilty?
E = Energy level. Do you feel more tired than usual?
C = Concentration. Do you have difficulty concentrating.
A = Appetite. Has your apetite changed?
P = Psychomotor. Agitation or retardation of movements?
S = Suicide. Do you want to kill yourself? Previous attempts? Plans?

That’s all for now. Back to studying!