Monday, March 5, 2007

Knitting Novice

I started knitting yesterday thanks to LeeLee. She gave me a CD, "Knitting Made Easy", which came with yarn and needles. I've been learning new words like "worsted", "skene", and "purl." Isn't it interesting how every area of speciality has its own technical language or jargon? I took a look at hubby's textbook today and here's what I saw:

I know that for as long as I live, I will never come to understand what those diagrams, equations, and coded words are saying to me.

Here's what I have to show for several hours into knitting. I "accidentally" switched to a different pattern for a few rows in the middle before switching back. Don't ask me what this is, it's just practice. I hope to knit a real colorful scarf soon.

I really love knitting so far. I love the repitition of it. I have never meditated but maybe knitting has the same result as humming one word over and over again, a state of relaxation. After all, knitting and meditation share the same elements of focus and repitition. In actuality, knitting can be quite complicated and requires attention and thought. I saw my friend Laurel's half-knitted stocking this weekend, it has personlized letterings, Christmas motifs and multiple colors. It's a work of architectual capacity with designs, patterns, and plans!! All I was doing was knitting alternate rows of the basic knit and the purl over and over again. I made several mistakes creating holes/gaps although you can't see it in the picture. Also, I was creating extra stitching/loops with every row I knit so that the edge is jagged. I'm going to hash out these questions with my knitting guru friends on the weekend.
The process is a little magical to me. I can't tell you how the steps leads to the organization and elongation of a created "thing." Yes, I'm creating something! I don't know how but I just know going through the motions of needling the loop, wrapping the yarn, and looping out will create something. These are just the thoughts of a novice knitter.