Monday, October 30, 2006

Wedding Invites and Other Things

I woke up today not realizing that we had made the "fall back" time change. I arrived at Baylor Family Practice clinic in Garland at 7:00am only to be alone in the whole parking lot. Paul even told me about the time change the night before, but somehow I didn't heed the info. . .well, I took a nap in the car before the doors to the clinic opened.

After work today, I attended my first step aerobics class in years. It turns out Baylor-Garland, my current rotation site, is just 15 minutes down the street from TI and Texins Activity Center! I finally put my gym membership to good use and attended my first group exercise class there. Plus, I avoided the Dallas traffic.

Doing step aerobics is much like riding a bicycle, even after years of inactivity, you still remember it. The class today brought me back to my college days when I taught step aerobics and reminded me how less fit I am now. Although I survived the class, I would not be able to teach a class due to SOB (shortness of breath.) It was really fun to be back in aerobics again! It was good to be just exercising!

When I got home, Paul had dinner cooked and ready. How lovely it was to eat good food cooked by hubby! He even washed the dishes. I'm really grateful!

My day got better when I found out we received two wedding invitations for back to back weekends in December. I really love weddings!! Since this is the season in our life when we get to attend friends' weddings, I want to enjoy this time as much as I can. The last wedding we were invited to we were unable to go because I was on call for internal medicine rotation. I'm still feeling bad about it, especially because the wedding was that of a childhood friend's.

So, the first wedding on December 2 is in Arkansas, and the other on December 9 is in Dallas. I will be on my PM&R (physical medicine and rehabilitation) rotation, and I'm pretty sure I'll have weekends off to live my life.

I'm going to bed now. I have Grand Rounds at 7:00am tomorrow. More on my new rotation month at Baylor later.