Monday, October 2, 2006

Interview with Kitty, Spoiled and Pampered.

What is your typical day like?
1. Find at least one new place to nap.
2. Beg for kitty snacks.
3. Explore and sniff uncharted territories: the socks drawer, boxes laying around, nooks and crannies in the closet, etc.
4. Play hide-n-seek with mommy and daddy. They normally give in and have to bribe me out with kitty snacks!
5. Meticululously clean every inch of myself with tongue. Then repeat.
6. “Get cozy” with the neighborhood birds and mice, then prey on them! Hmm, I don’t think the three bells around my neck is hampering me.
7. Make nests out of fresh laundry in the dryer.
8. Purrrr.

What type of cat are you?
I am a domestic shorthair, specifically, a torby. That means I'm a tortoiseshell and tabby mix. By the way, 99.5% of tortoiseshell cats are female!

Where did your name "Kitty" come from?
From mommy and daddy, of course. I think I was named after Eric's mother from That Seventy's Show.

Complete this sentence “All you have to do to love me is...."
1. Feed me on demand.
2. Let me sleep next to you.
3. Pet my head until I fall asleep.
4. Let me go exploring outside and no curfew!

What are you favorite toys?
1. Ping-pong balls
2. Boxes

What things do you do to annoy your humans?
1. Bite their ankles (just enough to get their attention).
2. Scratch and sharpen my claws on their shoes.
3. Roll around in dirt before their eyes.

What are you pet peeves?
1. Being held against my will.
2. Humans sleeping in on weekends and not feeding me on time.
3. Being given a bath!

What is your favorite quote?
"There is not enough time in a day to do all the nothings I want." --Calvin and Hobbs.

Questions that Kitty will not answer:
How old are you?
Where did you come from?
What happened to your tail?
Where do you go and what do you do outside when we are not home?

Everyone should have some mysteries, I suppose!