Thursday, October 19, 2006

Houston Trip

We just returned from our 3-days and 2-nights trip from Houston, TX. This was our first trip together as a married couple, not counting our trips to Arkansas to see my parents, of course. We had a great trip. The main purpose was to visit TECO (Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office) for Paul's visa reasons. We stayed at the Lovett Inn, a small bed and breakfast place in downtown Houston, just minutes away from TECO and the museum district. It's a lovely historic mansion that used to belong to the mayor of Houston. It was both of our first time to stay in a BB. The best thing about a BB is the homey atmosphere. A big black friendly dog named Cody sat inside the hallway all day long. There were also free DVD's to take back to our room and free breakfast all day long.

This is what we saw on a highway overpass while we were stuck in Houston's afternoon traffic. "No Torture! Drive Out the Bush Regime! Honk to Impeach." I don't agree with the sign's politics, but what a testament to America's freedom of speech.

All of the following pictures are taken at the Downtown Aquarium on our first night in Houston. We also took pictures at the zoo, but those are on a disposable digital camera (not yet developed) since our regular camera's battery was left uncharged the night before:(.

Felt like a kid again riding the ferris wheel and carousel. The rides were just outside the aquarium.

Not sure what happened with the backgrounds of the 2 pictures above, but pretty neat-looking.

This is my favorite fish at the aquarium: the lionfish.

My second favorite fish: the Mexican walking fish. Cool legs!

More pictures to come from the Houston Zoo!