Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My Day Off and Some Happy News (Xi Shi)

Had today off from the ER. I had high hopes of cleaning our apartment and putting away clutter so my hubby could be surprised by a spic 'n span home. But all I did was wash the dishes and fold the laundry (Kitty will miss her laundry basket of a bed she's had last couple of days.) Sometimes, I just don't have the motivation to do what I desire, I suppose. I let myself go because it's my "off" day. I slept a lot. Woke up at 11:00am and took nap with Kitty in the afternoon. I did watch a Hong Kong romantic comedy, "Turn Left Turn Right," that I enjoyed very much. I decided I'll watch more Chinese movies, my Chinese needs some improvement. Below are two pictures of the lead actors.

This is Gigi Leung, actress from Hong Kong. Check out her fashion in the movie, very typical of Asian girls. The mismatched colors and patterns, very playful, is it not?

Mr. Takeshi Kaneshiro, an actor of Japanese and Taiwanese descent.

Now on to three pieces of xi shi, or good news:

1. Paul finally got his green card!! Now he's officially a permanent resident and in three years time, he will become a citizen!! More practically for us, this means we'll be able to travel abroad!! More on this later.

2. My best friend Laurel just gave birth to her baby #2, little boy Zachary on October 5!! Pics at www.twonafishfamily.blogspot.com

3. Two friends of ours in Arkansas just got engaged. I heard from the grapevine.

Was having a conversation this past weekend with friends, and Paul and I decided we are the least traveled couple we know! A married couple had just returned from New York, another couple was planning a Hawaii trip for winter break. Most of my friends, married or single have been out of the country in the past year or atleast traveled to Colorado, etc. Paul and I did not have a honeymoon due to timing and school schedule. School has allowed me very little break. All the holidays we've had, we've spend in Arkansas with my parents, which I'm happy we did. Another reason for lack of travel, of course, had been Paul's visa situation. Finally, we've also decided that we're just two homebodies that are content with a nice dinner in a local restaurant or movie at home.

"You two should really travel before you have babies or else you'll regret it," warned our friends. They are right, of course. I've always fancied myself as someone who enjoys the adventure of visiting far away places. Now that Paul has no travel restrictions, and I have more time before residency starts, I can plan and dream away!

A Traveling Wish list, if you will:

1. Carribean or Hawaiian cruise (this is number one on my list to makeup for our honeymoon. Also, want to have a reason to wear my first bikini.)

2. Malaysia (we have many good friends from there, would love to see their country, eat fresh durian and seafood.)

3. Taiwan and China (Paul and I have never been to each other's homeland, what a trip it'd be to see the places we each grew up in!)

4. Ghana, Africa (Paul spend many years there just before coming to the US.)

5. East coast (I've never been to New York, Boston, Maine, etc. 'Nough said.)