Sunday, January 28, 2007

What's in your freezer?

Up to today, if you asked me what's in my freezer, I wouldn't be able to tell you! Paul has been the one shopping mostly and stocking up our freezer. He's always been the better cook of us two. He's fond of making soups, especially pork rib soup with daikon and bak ku teh (pork with tea/herbs soup). Paul also likes to make chicken curry and anything with seafood. He likes to make meaty dishes trying venison, duck, etc. while I'm more comfortable with vegetable cooking. Recently, however, there's been a switch in the household. I've picked up the responsibility of grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning. I had always thought I'm too busy with a mindset that I need to be either studying or thinking about studying with my time. I realize that it no longer has to be true this year with my time being so carte blanche outside of rotations. Hubby is now the one taking a class and spending his non-work time studying and doing homework. It's been great knowing that I can lend support for him in ways of making hot green tea or bringing chocolate treats for him during study sessions. I'm also cooking more and more and hubby is very grateful about it. It truly makes me feel more like a wife! It use to be on the weekends, the first thing we do after waking up is asking each other the question, "where do you want to go for lunch today?" Now, I've gotten in a habit of whiping up a meal for two in no time! My cooking is far from great and much of it is still a trial and error. The stuffing and chicken casserole did not work out very well last week but my Chinese cabbage with shrimps and scallops today was delicious!

So, back to the freezer. It use to be a formidable and uncharted territory for me, I didn't know what was way back there and I didn't want to find out! But today, I finally got up the nerve because I was willing to conquer whatever I find there. I found two packages of frozen tomatoes bearing the handiwork of my mom. She must have given them to us during her visit last month. No problem! They will make a good and easy "tomatoes with eggs" dish. I have already taken care of all the frozen eggplants last week. There were also packages of meat-looking things, one was a bass hubby bought from Hong Kong Market and there was another wrapped up and cut up fish with no identification. I think it's another present from my mom? How can I cook it not knowing what kind of fish it is? It should be interesting.