Monday, January 29, 2007

Making the Best out of the Unexpected

I came home this afternoon to find that we had no electricity. I walked over to the apt office and was told to check my breakers inside and then the maintenance guy will check them outside. I thought nothing of it and left to go grocery shopping thinking that by the time I get back, the electricity will be fixed. But I was wrong. By this time, I knew I needed to call TXU (electrical company). The only problem is I didn't have my phone, I just happen to have left it at work today! I hurried to the office and it was already 5min past their closing time of 6pm. I knew someone was still in there and I pounded the door until they opened. Hubby wouldn't be home for a couple more hours and I asked to use their phone. It turns out TXU turned off our electricy for non-payment. There was a mix-up with our on-line automatic deduction plan, really no fault of our own. So 20 minutes of talking and being on hold later, they promised to reconnect the power but it might be midnight before it gets done. I thought of the 10 bags of grocery in my car spoiling by the minute. Why do unlucky things always happen in tandem??

I lit up all the candles I could find in our dark apartment. Hubby came home soon after. "Oh, what's going on? Why so romantic?" Always a funny one, hubby is! After butting heads with the TXU people some more on the phone, we headed out for dinner and picked up more candles. It WAS very romantic, our small apartment all lit up! It's like Valentine's Day came early. Hubby started to settle down to do some reading by candlelight and it reminded him of one of those stories Chinese parents tell their children about an ancient Chinese scholar who save every bit of money just so he can buy lamp oil for studying. Just as I was accepting the fact that I couldn't take a shower tonight (no hot water) and that I'll have to find an alternative for alarm, the refrigerator started humming and the light came back on! I felt just a pinge of momentary regret for having to blow out all my pretty candles, but a small price to pay for a hot shower!

Finally putting our old wedding favors to some use.

Now I know what all those holes are for!