Saturday, August 2, 2008

Anthony Boudain

I don't know why but I feel like writing about Anthony Boudain. He is a chef, a writer, and most notably the host of the show, "Anthony Boudain: No Reservations" on the Travel channel. He travels around the world, dipping his hands and tongue into some of the world's best and most exotic foods. This past week on the Travel channel, they were doing specials on China given the Olympics and all. Both hubby and I love Anthony Boudain's show because he's so entertaining, witty in his speech, and the food looks so delicious that I dream of going to the same places he's been.

Here's a couple of quotes by Anthony while in China:

"Given my relationship with livestock in this life, I might just come back as my favorite snack in the next life. . .the pig."
--While contemplating Tibetan religious beliefs in Lhasa.

"Even if you haven't had Chinese food, you've had Chinese food, whether it's in pasta or dumplings."
--While walking on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China

A few more caveats about the show. A warning message about offensive material precedes every segment of his show. Yes, he's foul-mouthed but that's all bleeped out. I think they are talking about the actual food that's on the show. All I have to say is that no parts of any genitalias of any animals should ever be eaten, ever. Just my opinion. I consider myself an adventuous eater. I AM Chinese, afterall, so I love the intestines and pig ears and even chicken feet, but after watching the show I realize that unlike Mr. Boudain, I DO have some reservations about what I eat.