Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Curls and Pearls

This is one of those stories that is funny after it happened but not while it was happening. I was out most of the day, and asked hubby to stay home and be on the lookout for a UPS package for me. I had ordered two pairs of shoes online and was eagerly awiting their arrival today. This afternoon, after a day-ful of errands, I was driving home and got a call from hubby. He anxiously informed me that a "incompetent" UPS delivery guy had failed to knock and simply posted the delivery note on our door. Aggg, I thought to myself, you were home all day and you managed to miss my package??

"Hmm, let me get this straight: a UPS guy that doesn't knock. . .you mean, he just wanted to come back tomorrow and try again? Or maybe, he loved my shoes so much, he decided to keep them? Or maybe, his knocking fingers are injured?!" I said back to hubby.

"Yeah, I think there's a consipiracy. It's about job security, this way the UPS people keep busy and won't lose their jobs." said my hubby.

Okay, I have to say I laughed about it later, but man, I wished I have my shoes!

Another "disagreement" we have is over Oprah: I adore her, and hubby doesn't. But that's one disagreement we can live with. But seriously, she's great, it's not that I watch her regularly. . .yeah, seem to always be somewhere else between 4-5pm. But she was on today while I did the laundry and I noticed her hair. I soooo love her hair! All those luscious curls! Yeah, yeah, it's probably a wig or extensions, but its beautiful so hooray to the power of fake! I, myself, was not given natural curls, so thanks much to Charles Nestle, the inventor of the perm.

Oprah in curls.

My own puny curls. The stylist in Taiwan had purposely left the top part unpermed to look natural and she thined my hair prior to perming, too to avoid the puffiness. But one day, I shall have a full-head of rich curls that will parallel that of Shirley Temple and Oprah!
(This pic taken by hubby for the intern roster at Methodist)

Lastly, notice how both Oprah and I wore pearls. In my opinion, every girl should own a string of pearls, such a pretty, feminine, and timeless accesory they are. They don't have to be real, mine are not, but Oprah's probably is. She's Oprah, after all.


klutz4eva said...

My mom owns earrings that are real pearls, but her necklace is fake.

SummerSky said...

One time at a party, this girl with real diamond stud earrings lost one, and all the guests searched the room for hours to look for it. For that reason, I don't want real diamond earrings. . .agg, imagine the stress! Fake ones look just as nice and who cares when one gets lost.