Monday, June 25, 2007

A Game of Deceit

This game is a well received passtime that many cat owners know. We chanced upon it recently: the game of the cat chasing a laser pointer light. I bought a laser light alignment thingie for hanging wall pictures and it has since doubled as Kitty’s favorite toy. She loves to chase that red light anywhere, up the wall and furniture, zig zags across the carpet. Her speed and prey instincts really come through. It’s good exercise for an indoor cat as she dashes, jumps, and pounces. As a bonus, we often participate in the game with squeals of laughter.

Lately, however, my overthinking mind has made it not so funny. I observe my cat as she goes after the red light with such seriousness, her large unblinking eyes, her erect ears, and her anxious tail swiping side to side as her body crouches ready to make a move. I don’t know what she thinks, but she certainly seems to give it her all in both mental concentration and physical prowess as she tries to take hold and take down that red light. But she doesn’t know that it’s not a tangible thing and it’s game she’s lost from the beginning. Is she frustrated and confused that the object of her chase is always elusive and intangible? Is it us humans having a good time at her expense? Am I being deceitful to my cat?

I’m not going to stop playing the game with Kitty as long as she’ll have it, but I just have these unanswered questions. . .