Thursday, February 8, 2007

Show and Tell

What's a Chapstick to you? It's been years since I used Chapstick but I bought one the other day (for my chapped lips, of course). The feel, the look, and smell of it brought back nostalgic memories for me of my first year in America. That was almost two decades ago and I was nine. I first came to the US during winter time and I remember being intrigued by this little thing that kids at school had in their pockets and used on their lips. I thought it was a neat thing and wanted one for myself. . .when I smelled the unique smell of Chapstick today, it's as if I was nine and encountering a new world for the first time all over again. How powerful is the sense of smell on memory!

Ladies, have you deposited in your Bone Bank lately? I listened to a presentation on osteoporosis recently and it reminded me to take calcium more regularly. Most women just don't get enough through their diet. Asian and Caucasian women are more at risk due to their smaller frame. In fact, women who weighs less than 130 lbs. are not puting enough stress on their bones through daily activities to sustain their bone strength. I know myself and most of my girlfriends do not weigh over 130 lbs. unless heavy purses and pregancies count! I have a hard time remembering to take pills daily so these yummy chocolate chews (20 cal/each) are a excellent way to get your calcium for the day. Just two chews per day will do. And since calcium should be taken with food (and Vitamin.D) for better absorption, the chocolate calcium chew is an espcially clever idea!

Speaking of bone health, I took up jogging (aka. weight-bearing exercise) recently. With the help of hubby, I downloaded some fast paced dancing/techno/trance music (bpm 140's-170's) onto this cute and tiny iPod. The weather was perfect for jogging, high 60's, the sun was out yet cool enough so I'm not showered in my own sweat. The music was the best, I felt like Hermes, with wings on my feet! Can't wait to do it again!! But unfortunately, the weather has been in the chilly (and unbearble) 30-40's after that initial day of jogging. I know this is outdated enthusiasm, but I think the iPod is the coolest thing since cell phones and Google!

And finally, "quiero hablar espanol." Before I started riding the train for this month, I was listening to these medical Spanish CDs in my car. It was more productive use of my time than listening to NPR, although sometimes I choose to drive in silence and solitude and ruminate over my day's conversations, enounters, and thoughts. But when I'm not in a pensive mood while driving, learning Spanish is a great! If I go to UT Southwestern's FP program, I will be faced with 70% Spanish-speaking-only patients in the clinic. Ikes!


Laurel said...

Seeing the picture of chapstick reminded me of Benji. Last year he just couldn't seem to help himself eating it whenever he got his hands on it. But this winter he seems to have matured enough to put it on his lips without taking a big bite! :)