Saturday, December 30, 2006

Parents' Holiday Party

The process of preparing food for 17 people is a day-long event, but it was really nice family bonding time (when sparks aren't flying). It brought all four of us together into a small and warm space known as the kitchen. Somehow, conversation flows easily when one is chopping or stirring over a stove.

And guests arrive. Shoreh, a best buddy of mine, is an OB/Gyn resident in Maryland.

Laughter and chatting starts when friends fill the room.

Jac and Jill. Aren't they photogenic?

Friend taking our pic.

Birthday candles are for kids, no matter whose birthday it is! I love to see kids get excited over candles. Imagine, we all had that sense of wonder a long time ago. Benji (with mommy Laurel) is helping my mom and Paul blowing out their candles.

Cake time!

It's always nice to pose for a group photo. From L to R, David, Jac, Jill, Ryan, Paul, Ruth, and Andy.


***You can check out the whole collection of pictures at Dear friends, pictures are in full resolution at so you can download the ones you like.***