Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas Season Starts Today

The Christmas holiday season officially starts now for me, on this 15th day of December, 2006! I finished my last day of PM&R rotation today. It has been another great rotation, I saw patients from cerebral palsy to spinal cord injury to stroke to run-of-the-mill chronic back pain. I am now a believer in physical therapy and feel comfortable advising my patients in the future on the utility of PT and the general field of physiastry (a.k.a. physical medicine). Speaking of rotations, I made a list of ones I’ve done this year and ones I have left. I can hardly believe that I have just three more months of rotations to go as a MSIV (4th yr medical student)!!

As much as I love medicine and seeing patients, I really relish my days off at home. The way I see it, it’s my time to be “domestic.” I love staying home and waking up, not to the alarm clock, but my own body. I love wearing my cotton robe all day, and slowing working through the chores of the home. I love folding a fresh load of laundry in front of the TV, I love sorting mail and organizing the living room while listening to NPR in the background. I love taking a nap with Kitty in the middle of the day. I love greeting hubby at the door with a clean home and hear him say, “wow, good job, honey!” Our small apartment of a home is rarely up to the level of clean that I want and most of the time I forgive myself but no excuses if I’m home all day.

I do have a tendency to be overly lazy and become a couch potato, so I made a list of what I want to accomplish before the New Year’s and before I return to work:

Winter Break To-do List:

1. Make the bed everyday
2. Sprout broccoli sprouts
3. Try making a delicious new recipe or two
4. Cook a complete dinner for hubby
5. Study, believe it or not
6. Exercise, on more days than not
7. Clean out kitchen pantries
8. Spend wedding photography credit
9. Clean out e-mail inbox

10. Negotiate new phone from T-Mobile

I am especially excited about advancing my skills in cooking, albeit slowly, one recipe at a time. I use to think, I’ll pick up cooking when I have the time to focus my mind and energy to such things. But you know what? If I keep waiting, such a time might never come! So, I’ve already picked out two (just two) recipes to try: a fish stew and a baked apple dessert.

So, that’s my rather conservative, but realistic list of to-dos. I definitely don’t want to overwhelm myself with “cook every night” or “read 3 books” or “lose 5 lbs.” type of list. Aside from being a very short-term full-time housewife this holiday season, hubby and I will be heading back to Arky again for a few days to see my parents and friends. I also have a sleep-over planned with two of my best friends and little baby Zachary.


Unknown said...

looks like a really good plan!

SummerSky said...

Thanks Andy! Hopefully, it'll keep me from watching too much TV!

Unknown said...

Ruth and I have joined Team Loh, and have given away our only TV. So far it's been great and we don't really miss it much. But the new season of 24 is coming up, guess we'll have to camp at the Chia's for a while :-)

SummerSky said...

Congratulations on quitting TV! I can see how it's a good idea for many reasons. I lived without a TV for 2 years before I got married. Perhaps I'll think about a TV-less home when we have a child.