Friday, June 27, 2008

Hiro Turns One

Different looks of Hiro, chronologically.

Puppy wonder. He was darker colored then.

So small, so cute back then, but sure don't miss the house-training days.

Hiro had "battle signs" (tear stains) underneath the eyes but it disappeared with time.

Getting hairy.
So fuzzy with long floppy ears, like half lamb, half bunny.
After his first grooming at Petco's. Still had those long floppy ears.

Let's never get this haircut again. (2nd grooming at Petsmart's.)

Hiro today. Finally his hair is growing back. Can't wait for those ears to grow again.

Sabotaging my studies by napping on my book.

Hiro turns one today. Hooray!


Unknown said...

hehhe.. so cute.. Happy birthday Hiro!!!

Laurel said...

Happy birthday Hiro!