Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mel and Omar's Wedding

Paul and I attended my school friends, Mel and Omar's wedding this weekend. Mel and Omar are a great couple. I have fond memories of celebrating birthdays, having get-togethers and pot-luck dinners and more recently, double dating with them. They are so down-to-earth and cheerful people, a couple of cool personalities and warm spirits. It was also great seeing a handful of classmates and friends that I haven't seen in many months.

Me with Mel and Omar (future pediatrician and family medicine doctor, in that order). They had Mariachi band in the background, so festive!

Robert and Lieu at the wedding, also future pediatrician and family doctor, respectively.

By the stroke of chance or perhaps something more divine, we found out that we are going to be in Tokyo at the same time as Robert and Lieu!! They are a couple of friends of mine from school and they are spending a couple of weeks traveling through Japan. We are arriving at Narita airport on the same day just 1 hour apart on different flights! Truth be told, I have been rather concerned about our mini 3-day trip in Tokyo ever since I found out that David (Paul's older bro) is not going to be there. We would have cancelled the stay in Tokyo if it weren't for the expensive ticket change fee. The whole point of going to Japan was to visit David and be under his wings while he orchestrated and guided our adventure in a foreign land. But duty calls, he has to be out of the country for work during our trip! So Japan became much more of an adventure than I bargained for! I started having visions of us getting lost amist the massive subway system in Tokyo. . .how do I exchange $$ to yen? What is the best way to get from Narita to Tokyo? What places should we visit?! Where are good places to eat without clearing out our wallet or risk poisoning by ill-prepared puffer fish ?? What can I say, I'm a worrier by nature. I had much research and planning to do. But then I found out Robert and Lieu are going to be there, too! We've vowed to stick together, for better or worse, in times of getting lost, in times of trying sushi. . .plus, we can take couples' pictures for each other!