It was one of those days that started so early that by the time it ended, the morning felt like it whole another a day ago. I was home at night before I remembered the jarring event that started my day. . .I was driving to work in the dark 'cause that's how it is at 5:30 AM in the morning, when I suddenly noticed a bicyclist literally just 20 feet ahead of my SUV! I quickly swerved to the other lane, so LUCKY that there was no car on the other lane, and even LUCKier because I didn't hit the bicyclist who had no reflective gear on him nor the bike! It was impossible to see him on a non-lit street. I wanted to yell out, "you idiot!", "do you want to die?!" but I quickly began thanking God for not allowing me to hurt someone and for bypassing (no pun intended) what could have been a tragedy. I had literally just missed hitting the man by a second! Yes, I felt lucky and grateful.
Now I'm thinking of an exchange of words that happened between my attending and a patient that same day. The conversation went like this,
Dr. B: You husband had a mini stroke and it has since resolved. It turns out he didn't have a full-blown stroke. He's a very lucky man.
Patient's wife: Luck has nothing to do with it, it's BLESSING, that's what it is, BLESSING.
The wife was so emphatic with her answer it reminds me of the mannerisms of a preacher teaching Sunday school or a politician rebutting his opponent.
LUCK and BLESSING?? What are their relationship, if any? Are luck and blessing the different sides of the same coin? Are they the same thing? Or some will say "there is no such thing as luck."
I wonder what will my patient's wife say to the spouses of the many many patients who have strokes and end up aphasic and paralyzed? Were those patients simply unblessed or damned? Was I blessed or just lucky to have avoided that accident on the road this morning? I certainly felt both lucky and blessed at the same time. Then how do I explain the poignant and tragic interview I saw on Oprah with a grandmother who accidentally ran over her young grandson while backing out of the driveway. Why? Why did I not hit the stupid man on his bike and the grandmother killed her beloved grandson? Does luck or blessing have anything to do with our similar but different scenarios?
The crutch of the problem for me is when one says "I am blessed by God because of such and such" that is to say others who are in opposite situations are NOT blessed by God. Does anyone have such power to make such a statement for God --whom He blesses and whom He doesn't? Yes, there are blessings in disguise which we find out later. But are "blessings in disguise" ever include untimely deaths of loved ones?
Anyways, just some of my thought. Good night.