Saturday, August 18, 2007


I’m a conflicted person. Let me explain why. I strive to be a learned person, but I also indulge in the ultra frivolous. I really want to be thin, only to be trumped by my love of eating. I desire to be godly but I don’t love God enough. I like to see hubby healthy and long-living but I also want him to enjoy the time he has on earth. I love my husband but I’m ever so critical of him. I’m really fun-loving inside but I’m also the biggest worrier there is. In terms of fun, I think laughter ranks right up there with shopping and the other “s” word but I can cry just as easy. I believe I’m in the best profession there is but I would hate to do it full-time. I can’t wait for retirement but I don’t want to get old. I want to be a fashionista but I end up wearing the same old outfit all the time. I love shopping but that’s complicated by a strong sense of frugality instilled in me by my parents. . .

. . .actually, bargain shopping nicely compromises that last conflict. If there was “bargain shopping” in the Olympics, it would be my event. This weekend is Texas’s tax-free weekend for clothing items and so I took advantage. Here’s a look at the damage done (too guilty to ask hubby to take pics for me):

*CLICK on picture to enlarge*
(most pics will enlarge)

Polka dots!! I recently watched the movie "Because I Said So" and fell in love with polka dots! I bought 3 polka dot items today. Don't know why but I was really drawn to polka dots and the color green today.

I love this green top, so cute with red heart-shaped buttons. It's very urban-Asian, I think. I'm wearing it with black capris and red pumps.

I like this conservative and classic dress. You can't see it very well, but this dress looks perfect with with my string of pearls. I'm wearing it to work next week.

But I can also do fun and flirty, which is what this dress is. It's a really nice silver metallic color. Another shopper at the store told me it would go great with black stilletos and a night of dancing. I agree but since hubby and I are not dancing people, I'll wear it to a nice restaurant.

Cute baby doll shirt with empire waist. Why, oh why did I not discover this trend earlier??! It hides my tummy (esp post-eating) so nicely. I can also wear it for pregnancy one day, hehe.

Another fun, cute shirt to wear with my skinny jeans, which I hope is still "in" this fall.

I can't have fun all the time, here's a new shirt for work. It's crisp and clean with nice ruffling details.

The ever so classic khaki trenchcoat for this coming fall. Like pearls and polk dot dresses, every girl should also have a trenchcoat.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree about being conflicted. I think it's part of being human. I think it's good to be conflicted to a point because if not it means we're not really thinking about life.

My conflict about shopping is similar but a little different. I would like to buy cute and cheap clothes but I don't want to spend the time. And if you're going to bargain hunt, it does take some time. So in the end I just have a stash of single colored T-shirts that I wear most of the time. :)

Anonymous said...

i love shopping too! :D

SummerSky said...

Hi Laurel!
I could be your personal shopper! I've thought of doing it many times, but it's so hard to know what another person will like. I buy clothes for Paul, he ends up picking one shirt out of 5! Actually I did take some clothes back from the blog pics, I was like, "what was I thinking?!" after I got home. Yes, shopping does take a lot of time, but I seem to always make time for it. Not a good thing, always, of course.

SummerSky said...

Hi Juei, good to hear from you!